Saturday, April 21, 2012

Meditation and Back Pain

Today I made a slight adjustment to how I do my Bao Yi mediation because of my back pain.

I have had back pain for a long time, almost fifteen years, and lately it’s become a real struggle to do the meditation because of the pain. One of the things that aggravates my back pain the most is sitting, so the seated meditation causes me to be in more pain (even though meditation is supposed to relax you and reduce pain levels, I guess I’m not yet skilled enough to meditate against the rising pain levels enough to counteract them!).

Anyway, I have stuck the poster up on my roof – it was quite a feat, being five foot tall I had to precariously balance on a stool on my bed, wobbling and trying to stick the poster on the roof and not fall over!

So, now I can lie on my bed and look at the poster. To stop the qi from escaping from my vaginal entrance, I scrunch up some of the bedsheet into a ball and place it there.

I think this will help my meditation practice a lot. I’ll be able to reduce my pain levels while doing it and I won’t be put off doing the practice on days where my pain levels are high because it won’t aggravate my back more. Score!

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