This week I went to a meet up with a group of Goddesses which I have found on the internet. With my relatively new interest in the Tigress teachings, I wanted to find other women (not necessarily Tigresses) that had similar interests to me (spirituality, female empowerment, esoteric practices) and to find new friends and a new community to belong to.
The women I met at the goddess meet up were such amazing women. The organiser, in particular, had such an amazing and embracing energy about her and the second she open the door I just felt this flood of positive energy coming from her.
We talked mainly about intention and manifestation and the law of attraction, and the organiser guided us through a manifestation exercise which was really profound. I have dabbled in manifestation in the past and seem to do it inadvertently for some parts of my life, but I have never done anything with such focus and intensity before. The women in the group were at all different point of their journey and many of them had made it through their personal struggles of self-doubt and insecurity and have grown to learn to love themselves. It was quite surreal, actually, to sit there and listen to the women talk about how they love themselves and how attractive and beautiful they are.
Whilst I think it was wonderful that these women had learnt to love themselves and to see themselves as attractive and beautiful, it was quite hard for me to relate to. The following day I was thinking about my experience and my sense of disconnection with how these women had embraced their beauty. I was thinking the White Tigress teachings and the approach that Tigresses are taught towards their own beauty, which is an approach based on humility and gratitude. In particular, the Healing Tigress meditation which teaches Tigresses to meditate and to picture themselves as beautiful also emphasis that this should be done in a very humble way. And when I was going through the exercise with another Tigress, she said to me that point of the exercise is not to think about how hot you are but, instead, a good way to approach the exercise is to practice gratitude - gratitude for the beauty that you have been given and gratitude for having the privilege to follow the path of the White Tigress and the beauty that this path will bring you.
I feel much more connected to the beauty that the Tigress teachings teach you. I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to sit in a group and talk about how beautiful I am or how 'hot' I may be. But, slowly over time, I may be able to develop a humble appreciation of and gratitude towards the beauty that I may have. So, I may never throw the door open and be this vivacious woman, the woman who is the centre of everyone's attention because of her charm, beauty and ability to flirt up a storm. I may only ever have a very quiet beauty, understated and humble. But I think that is enough for me.